International Yarn Bombing Day - Operation Cheer up Ballarat!

Yesterday was International Yarn Bombing Day and of course I didn’t need a better excuse to have a go at decorating the power pole directly out the front of the Crafty Squirrel. What a hoot!

Last night - my in laws who were up visiting and my trusty husband Sam braved the icy cold night air with me to climb up a rather precarious ladder in the dark to stitch on my offering. Two hours later we were almost frozen solid – but what an achievement! So snuggly and colourful don’t you think!

Hopefully my creation will last the icy Ballarat winter through! All across Ballarat this morning residents awoke to others yarn bombing efforts. Operation cheer up Ballarat has certainly brought a smile to locals. All the bronze prime ministers busts in the Botanic Gardens have been given their very own beanies and scarves, parking meters have scarves and park benches have little arm rest cozies. What a hoot!


Frankie and Ray said...

That's fantastic! I'd love to see some pics of the bronze busts if you're passing with your it looks cold!

Anonymous said...


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